Software engineers, allow yourself to be vulnerable..

Sami Samiuddin
1 min readJun 6, 2024


This is wrong: “But This Is H0W I DOOO!!#”

Whether you like it or not real improvements are made when you’re relaxed and willing to be vulnerable.

Yup, software development is same. Every time you’re biased you’re pushing back on your own growth. Seriously. If you always code in PHP, give yourself a chance to do something similar in Python. Growth will happen..

What this means in practice:

- Build software you never built before it. Trading platform, CRM, data heavy app with charts.
- “Hack” a language, do things in different non/recommended ways.
- Stress test your system and push boundaries
- Learn a traditional programming language
- Try creating your own little framework
- Try copying ideas from other languages
- Try going serverless where you can
- Try experimenting with that API you liked but docs seemed horrible!
- Try re-reading the docs of your fav language. You’ll be surprised how much you’ve missed because of them deadlines!

Most of the time your company won’t put you in a position where you’ll learn new things (that interest you). It’ll almost always be same tedious stuff. It’s your own responsibility to experiment with new stuff.

the more you code, the more walls you build around yourself.. until you are either forced to try different things or you simply go “fk it, let me give this a go real quick”



Sami Samiuddin

Sr. Backend Developer | Teaching web developers social & soft skills!